Saturday, January 19, 2013

All Workouts Announced

RX'd WOD 1
For Time

  • 60 Calorie Row
  • 50 Standing Broad Jumps (6'/4')
  • 40 Toes to Bar
  • 30 Hang Snatches (115/73)
10 Minute Time Cap

  1. Teams do not have to divide the row if they don't want to. However, the person not rowing must be standing behind the rower with their foot on the back of it.
  2. Broad jumps must be divided into alternating sets of 5.
  3. Toes to Bar must be divided into alternating sets of 5. One person must be holding the pullup bar in a dead hang (any grip style) in order for their partner to accumulate reps of Toes to bar.
  4. Hang Snatches must be divided into alternating sets of 5. One person must be holding their chin over the bar (any grip style, no bar muscle ups are allowed) in order for their partner to accumulate reps. The person snatching may pick the bar up to the hang, but must wait for the Judges signal of "GO!" to begin snatching. If the partner holding their chin over the bar drops off or falls below bar height at any point, the partner snatching must wait until they resume their hold. 

RX'd WOD 2
6 Rounds For Time - Partners alternate rounds
  • 20yd Agility Shuttle - (5yds right, 10yds left, 5yds right)
  • 8 Lateral Bar Hopping Burpees
  • 20yd Agility Shuttle - (5yds right, 10yds left, 5yds right)
  • 5 Ground to Overhead (155/103)

8 Minute Time Cap

  1. The WOD will begin with one partner touching the middle floor marker. After "3..2..1..GO!" they will start the shuttle run.
  2. While one person is performing the 5 Ground to Overhead's, their partner may set up for the agility shuttle, but may not start until they hear the Judges Signal of "GO!"
  3. Each Partner must complete a full round before switching

RX'd WOD 3
For Time

Buy-In: 150 Double Unders

  • Deadlifts/HSPU
  • HSPU/Deadlifts

10 Minute Time Cap

  1. The Double Under Buy in will be performed within a 29"x29" area in their lane. Any reps performed outside the box will not be countedPartners may divide reps at their discretion 
  2. Once all 150 Double unders are done, Partner 'A' starts with 21 Deadlifts while Partner 'B' starts with 21 HSPU. Then they will switch - Partner 'A' does 21 HSPU and Partner 'B' does 21 Deadlifts. Continue in this manner until both athletes complete reps of 21-15-9 of both movements
  3. Partners may not switch movements until they are both done with their respective sets
  4. The workout finishes after both partners complete 9 Deadlifts/HSPU and 9 HSPU/Deadlifts and clap hands. (High fives are strongly recommended. The more chalk in the air, the better)


For Time

  • 50 Calorie Row
  • 40 Standing Broad Jumps (6'/4') 
  • 30 Toes to Bar¹
  • 20 Hang Snatches (95/63)²

10 Minute Time Cap

  1. Teams do not have to divide the row if they don't want to. However, the person not rowing must be standing behind the rower with their foot on the back of it.
  2. Broad jumps may be divided in any manner the team chooses, so long as each partner completes at least 1 successful rep.
  3. Toes to Bar may be divided in any manner the team chooses, so long as each partner completes at least 1 successful rep. One person must be holding the pullup bar in a dead hang (any grip style) in order for their partner to accumulate reps of Toes to bar.
  4. Hang Snatches may be divided in any manner the team chooses, so long as each partner completes at least 1 successful rep. One person must be holding their chin over the bar (any grip style, no bar muscle ups are allowed) in order for their partner to accumulate reps. The person snatching may pick the bar up to the hang, but must wait for the Judges signal of "GO!" to begin snatching. If the partner holding their chin over the bar drops off or falls below bar height at any point, the partner snatching must wait until they resume their hold. 

For Time

Buy-In: 150 Double Unders

  • 21 Deadlifts
  • 7 Wall Climbs
  • 15 Deadlifts
  • 5 Wall Climbs
  • 9 Deadlifts
  • 3 Wall Climbs

10 Minute Time Cap

  1. The Double Under Buy in will be performed within a 29"x29" area in their lane. Any reps performed outside the box will not be countedPartners may divide reps at their discretion 
  2. Once all 150 Double unders are done, Partner 'A' starts with 21 Deadlifts while Partner 'B' starts with 7 Wall Climbs. Then they will switch - Partner 'A' does 7 Wall Climbs and Partner 'B' does 21 Deadlifts. Continue in this manner until both athletes complete reps of 21(7)-15(5)-9(3) of both movements
  3. Partners may not switch movements until they are both done with their respective sets
  4. The workout finishes after both partners complete 9(3) Deadlifts/Wall Climbs and 3(9) Wall Climbs/Deadlifts and clap hands. (High fives are strongly recommended. The more chalk in the air, the better)


For Time
  • 15 Calorie Row
  • 30 Box Jumps (18"/12")
  • 30 MedBall Situps (20/12)
  • 30 Ground to Overhead (75/53)
  • 15 Calorie Row
10 Minute Time Cap

For Time

Buy-In: 150 Single Unders or 30 double Unders

1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4.....10-10
  • KB Swings (35/26)
  • Burpees
8 Minute Time Cap

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